At St Leonard’s we love to welcome children, young people and families.
Children and young people are a valued and active part of our community, of our worship, and of the church’s life. Here you’ll find details of the activities we offer every Sunday, as well as our weekly and other groups.
We strive to offer something fun and engaging for people of every age!
First time at St Leonard’s?
Are you visiting or joining us for the first time? We know that it can be nerve-wracking bringing children to a church you’re not familiar with – so we always do our very best to make you welcome, whether this is your first or your hundredth visit! We want to make St Leonard’s a place where people of all ages can come to experience something of God’s love without fear of being judged by others.
On Sundays:
Junior Church meets each Sunday during the 9.45am service, except on the first Sunday of the month when we have an all-age service. The group is for school-age children. Through a variety of engaging activities, games and discussions, we have fun learning about God and thinking about real life.
For those who are younger, we have a special space at the back of church with books and toys, and where parents will still be able to see the service. You are welcome to keep you children with you in your pew, of course – there are some bags of activities and books at the back of church.
All-Age Eucharist is a service for people of all ages and backgrounds. We hope it gathers the whole church community together. It is less formal than our Parish Eucharist. Our children and young people often play an active part in the service.
Other groups:
Messy Church – MESS! FUN! STORIES! CRAFT! SONGS! This popular and informal afternoon gathering is aimed at younger primary and nursery school age children. We share some of the classic stories of the Bible through crafts, stories, song and worship. At the end, we all sit down to have a meal together. Messy Church usually happens six times a year, to find out when our next Messy Church session is, please email:
OMG+ is our youth group. It usually meets on Sunday afternoons – to do all sorts of exciting things – from sleeping out for the night to raise money for the homeless, to ten pin bowling, pizza parties, and gardening.
We like to think about ways in which we can help in the world, and to share our experiences of faith and life. Most of all we like to have fun! To find out more, please email:
Brick Club – On Tuesday during may of the school holidays we hold Brick Club – a gathering for kids to play with lego. To find out when our next session is please email
Baby & Toddler Group – Wednesdays, 9.30-10.30am and 11am-noon in the Church Hall during term time.
Do you care for young children? Why not join us on a Wednesday morning? Mums, dads, grandparents, and childminders: you are all welcome to come and enjoy a drink and a chat whilst your children play! There are always toys, crafts, singing and rhymes. Each week we have a special theme!
This is a long-trusted and friendly group where many new friendships continue to be formed. Come along and give us a try. There’s no need to book. Just walk up the slope at the back of the church and the hall is just beyond the walled Garden of Remembrance. You can be sure of a warm welcome. More information can be found on our facebook page St Leonard’s Baby and Toddler Group.
Associated groups:
We’re delighted that Beaver, Cub and Scout groups meet in our Church Hall during the week. Details of the 2nd Lexden Scout Group can be found on their website.
If you want to find out more about our work with Children and Young People, or about the work we do with our local schools, please get in touch: