Weddings, Christenings & Funerals


We love to conduct weddings at St Leonard’s. It helps if you have a connection with us (ie if you live, or have lived, in the parish*, or one of your parents do – or did, or if your parents or grandparents were married in our church) but please contact usto have a talk about it.

If you’d like to know more about church weddings in general, the Church of England has a dedicated website.

To find out more, please email admin (at) with your name, email address and details and we will get back to you.

Baptisms (Christenings)

20160814_122832_resizedv2Baptism (or Christening – they mean the same thing) is how you become a member of God’s family, the Church. At St Leonard’s children are usually baptised when they are quite young – but it can be done at any age and we have a few adult baptisms every year. Baptism are held on Sundays within a service or at a separate time. For you or your child, baptism marks the start of a journey of faith.

Baptism is a ‘sacrament’ a visible sign of God’s love. In baptism, we are thanking God for his gift of life and publicly acknowledging his love for us.  So we don’t set any barriers or conditions, other than you are willing to promise to teach your child about the faith into which they have been baptised. Of course, if you feel you need to find out more about Christianity in order to teach them – the best place to go is church! Come and see what it is all about – or come to one of our seeker’s courses.

Anyone who lives in our parish* is entitled to be baptised at our church. If you don’t live in the parish we may still be able to hold the baptism, particularly if you to have a connection to St Leoanrd’s (for example, attend St Leonard’s, have been married or christened here, or a link through your parents). There is a useful website at

To find out more, please email admin (at) with your name, email address and details and we will get back to you.

*If you don’t know which parish you live in try the A Church Near You website. Put your postcode in to the parish finder and it will tell you.


A Church of England funeral is available to everyone, giving support before, during and after the service, for as long as it’s needed. Although you will probably organise your loved one’s funeral with a funeral director there is some useful, practical advice from the Church of England

To find out more, please email admin (at) with your name, email address and details and we will get back to you.