We have House Groups which meet during weekday evenings They are a great way to find out more about faith, church, discipleship (how we grow as Christians) and get to know people outside of Sunday services.
If you would like to find out about house groups please call 01206 575565 or email admin@stleonardslexden.org.uk
In addition to our house groups:
- Our Men’s Prayer Breakfast is on the first Saturday of the month at 8.30am in church. Contact David Watkins on (01206) 861250 or davidw(at)stleonardslexden.org.uk, please replace the (at) with @ in your email.
- Our Women’s Prayer Breakfast is on the third Saturday of the month at 8.30am in church. Contact Esther Heptonstall on (01206) 767666 or esther(at)stleonardslexden.org.uk, please replace the (at) with @ in your email.
You would be very welcome to join one – no previous experience necessary (or even expected). Tea, coffee, chat, laughter are compulsory though!